Nokia has announced that it will release Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte phone set for the Indian market. Being a luxury handset, Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte is expected be high priced, though the company has not hinted the about the price tag to be asserted with the phone set. Nokia 8800 looks very stylish with a real sapphire gemstone and the set is made up of glass and high-end metal and a napa leather.
Nokia 8800 offers some lucrative features including camera with 3.2 MP autofocus and 8x digital zoom, 2-inch OLED display, and 1 GB of storage. Well, the feature that will surprise you is its anti-fingerprint coating which prevents smudging.
Allheadlinenews reported:
It will also feature a light sensor that automatically alters and adjusts screen brightness.
Unique features of the handset include a real sapphire gemstone, makeup of glass and high-end metal, and a brown napa leather.
The phone also allows users to switch to silent mode simply by turning the device over, screen face down.
Now, it is almost certain that Nokia 8800 is going attract Indian people. The set is wroth looking and includes some excellent features. Though price would be a factor and the company has not revealed its price in
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